"The Five" is a maquette created by by Rodrigo Nava. It is part of the Visible Force Series and was one of a three-part proposal for Wind Gates in Stapleton, CO. The proposal was accepted and in 2019, five forms titled "The Five" (8' tall) were installed on site; also installed were three forms known as "To the Plains" and nine forms known as Marker Form.
Maquette dimensions are 6" (w) x 6" (h) x 2.5" (d). There are three available "The Five" maquettes starting at $550. Successive editions will raise by 20% each time.
Shape is designed by the artist, then cut from mild steel and welded. The sculpture is then finished by a process involving an internal combustion.
This particular finish, rust patina, is meant for outdoor or indoor placement.